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Effective October 1, 2021, Egypt has implemented a new Advance Cargo Information Declaration (ACID). Shipments departing origin after October 1, 2021, without an ACID number will be rejected and returned to origin. 

All Egypt Importers are now required to register with the government on the NAFEZA Portal.  For every shipment the Egypt Importer will now need to register the shipment and receive a nineteen (19) digit ACID number. The Egypt Importer must provide that ACID number to the foreign shipper. The ACID number is valid for three (3) months.

All shippers to Egypt must obtain the ACID number from their Egypt importer and place the ACID number on all commercial documents including the Commercial Invoice, Packing List, Certificate of Origin and House Bill of Lading. The shippers will then be required to upload those documents into the CargoX program which has been designated by the Egypt Government to collect the documents.

For shippers to upload documents into the CargoX program, you must first register your company. Please note that all shipper business units both in and out of Egypt, with separate registration numbers (i.e. USA EIN), will need to register with CargoX. Each registered entity will also require an individual to register as the primary account user. Once the primary account user is registered, they can allow additional registrants who will need access to CargoX to upload commercial documents with the ACID numbers on them.

Noatum Logistics is registered with CargoX as well to upload the master and house bills of lading.

It is recommended that all shippers to Egypt reach out to their Egypt consignees to discuss and create a process to comply with these new Egypt import rules.

For additional information please visit:


If you have any questions, please contact your local Noatum Logistics representative.